Iron Man, released in 2008 was directed by Jon Favreau, produced by Avi Arad & Kevin Feige, written by Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Art Marcum and Matt Holloway. The film focuses on self-claimed genius billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark who ends up having a change of heart as he's forced to confront the reality of his weapons manufacturing business - creating a suit of armour becoming the hero known as Iron Man.
Tony Stark is the CEO of leading military defense contractor, Stark Industries after the passing of his father. He demonstrates his company's new Jericho missile while in Afghanistan while he is a accompanyed by his friend and military liaison, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, a member of the U.S. Air Force.
After an attack on the transport convoy, Tony is captured and held in a cave by the Ten Rings. Ho Yinsen builds an electromagnet to keep the shrapnel that wounded Stark from reaching his heart and killing him. Raza, Leader of the Ten Rings, offers Stark freedom; in exchange for the construction of a Jericho missile for the terrorists. Realizing Raza will kill them upon completition of the missile, Stark and Yinsen secretly build a powerful electric generator called an Arc Reactor to power Stark's electromagnet. They then begin to build a powered suit of armor, designed by Stark, to help them escape.
Yinsen sacrificing himself to distract them while Stark's suit powers up. In his dying moments Yinsen reassures Stark and urges him to continue his escape and not waste his life. An enraged Stark leaves the cave and destroys the terrorist encampment before flying away, crashing in a desert destroying the armored suit.
After being rescued by Rhodes, Stark announces that his company will no longer manufacture weapons, having seen the damage they cause in the wrong hands. Obadiah Stane, his father's old partner and the company's manager, informs Stark that this may ruin Stark Industries and his father's legacy.
Stark begins work on an improved version of his arc reaction and
redesigns the suit resulting in the creation of the Mark II and Mark III
suit. Stark learns from confronts Stane about the supplied weapons and
learns that Stane is trying to replace him as head of the company.
Tony Stark flies to Afghanistan in his Mark III suit, where he saves the citizens of Gulmira from the Ten Rings attack. Flying home, Tony Stark is engaged by two F-22 Raptors on behalf of the U.S. Air Force. He phones Rhodes and reveals his identity in an attempt to call off the attack. Meanwhile The Ten Rings gather the pieces of Stark's prototype suit from the desert. Raza meets with Obadiah Stane and offers to exchange the suit with him. Stane betrays Raza and his faction eliminated, taking the suit for himself. Returning to Stark Industries, Stane orders his scientists to have a new suit reverse-engineered from the wreckage.

Seeking to find any other weapons delivered to the Ten Rings, Tony Stark sends his trusted personal assistant, Pepper Potts, to hack into the company computer system from Stane's office. Potts finds evidence of Obadiah Stane supplying weapons to the terrorists, but also discovers that Obadiah Stane had initially hired the Ten Rings to kill Stark in Afghanistan. Pepper Potts meets with Phil Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division to inform him of Obadiah's actions.
Obadiah Stane's scientists reveal that they cannot finish his suit, as no one can manage to duplicate Stark's Arc Reactor. Stane ambushes Stark at his home, using a Sonic Taser to paralyze him and take his current Arc Reactor.
Left to die, Stark manages to crawl to his lab and saves himself by re-using his original arc reactor. Pepper Potts and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents attempt to arrest Stane, but he dons his suit and attacks them. Stark fights Stane, but is outmatched without his upgraded reactor to run his suit at full capacity. Tony lures Obadiah Stane atop the Stark Industries building and instructs Pepper Potts to overload the large Arc Reactor there. Doing so unleashes a massive electrical surge that knocks Stane unconscious, causing him and his armor to fall into the exploding reactor, killing him.
The next day, the press has dubbed the armored hero "Iron Man." Agent Phil Coulson gives Tony Stark a cover story to explain the events of the night and the death of Obadiah Stane. At a press conference, Tony Stark begins giving the cover story, but then instead reveals his identity stating "I am Iron Man".
Nick Fury breaks into Tony Stark's home, stating that Iron Man is
not "the only superhero in the world," and wants to discuss the Avengers
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